UECCC officially breaks ground for the ORIO mini hydro power project

UECCC officially breaks ground for the ORIO mini hydro power project

UECCC officially breaks ground for the ORIO mini hydro power project

The groundbreaking of the ORIO Mini Hydropower Project that was held on 1st February 2025 in Mitooma district, marks the beginning of the journey towards affordable and reliable electricity for thousands of Ugandans in hard-to-reach areas of Western Uganda.

The ORIO mini hydro power project entails construction of nine (9) mini hydro power plants (combined capacity of 6.7 MW) and construction of a local distribution network (288 KM) in the project area. (Kasese, Bushenyi, Mitooma, Hoima, Kabarole, Bunyangabu and Bundibugyo Districts) as a single project. The project is funded by the ORIO Infrastructure fund (Now “Invest International”) of the Netherlands Government and co-financing from the Government of Uganda with UECCC as the designated Implementing Agency of the Project.

This project is a key part of Uganda’s Sustainable Energy Development Programme, aimed at increasing generation capacity and expanding rural electrification. At completion, it will connect 71,081 households and 2,300 Small and Medium size Enterprises (SMEs) to clean, reliable energy through 9 mini hydro plants with a total capacity of 6.7 MW.

UECCC Managing Director, Roy Nyamutale Baguma said that the mini-hydro power plants will provide a stable and reliable energy source for rural businesses, health centres, and households. “This is more than just power, it’s rural transformation in action”, he added.

“Phase one of the project will include four sites; Nchwera, Igassa, Nsongya, and Hoimo, and the construction will be carried out by HNAC Technology Co. Ltd from China for the civil and hydro-mechanical works, and Ossberger GmbH from Germany for the design and installation of turbines and electro-mechanical works.” Baguma added.

Hon. Dr. Canon Ruth Nankabirwa Ssentamu, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development said the project represents a significant contribution to Uganda’s energy goals because on completion, it will have a major impact on rural electrification in Uganda by connecting over 376,000 people to stable electricity, improving livelihoods, promoting business growth, and supporting healthcare and education.

On his part, the Deputy Ambassador of the Netherlands Embassy, Mr. Joost Van Ettro reaffirmed the Netherlands’ commitment to Uganda’s renewable energy sector. He noted that the Netherlands has invested UGX 650B in Uganda’s energy sector, supporting large hydro plants, mini-grids, & off-grid solar solutions. He highlighted that this project, funded through Invest International, will add 6.7MW to Uganda’s grid, extend 288km of power lines, and connect hundreds of thousands to the grid.

The Ambassador further commended Uganda’s leadership in prioritising renewable energy investments, creating an enabling environment for both public & private sector participation. He emphasised that the Netherlands remains a strategic partner in Uganda’s energy transition, with more projects on the horizon.

The Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda, Rt. Hon. Thomas Tayebwa commended the ORIO Mini Hydro Power Project as a transformative step for Uganda’s energy sector, emphasizing its potential to provide affordable, reliable, and sustainable power. He praised the Government of Uganda and the Netherlands for their collaboration, stressing how crucial access to electricity is for businesses, schools, and households.

“The partnership between our government and the Netherlands has proven to be a beacon of development, and today is evidence of what can be achieved when we work together for the common good,” he said.

He reaffirmed the continued support of Parliament for such projects that are aligned with Uganda’s vision of economic growth and sustainable development.


Lilian Rebeccah Akullo

Communications Specialist

2 thoughts on “UECCC officially breaks ground for the ORIO mini hydro power project”

  1. Thanks to ueccc for having done the ground broking ceremony of the ORIO Mini Hydropower Project on 01st feb. I watched the ceremony on sky tv (go-tv chan 840).
    We as neca (nest electrical cotractors’ association) would love to mobilize our members (i.e. wire-men) within the project areas to prepare themselves for the task of carrying out the domestic and industrial eleinstallations to cover the 71000 + 2300 clienta as anticipated.
    implications are that we look fwd to receving the network design drwgs specifying each and everyone of the 09 sites in the 07 districts.
    looking forward
    KRESPO K. B.

  2. FINALLY it has HAPPENED; the launch of this long-awaited project! I was honoured to witness the noble event, thanks UECCC! We, as the Hydro Power Association of Uganda (HPAU) pledge our full support, in whatever capacity! Cong’s!

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