Final version of Prospect digital platform launched

Final version of Prospect digital platform launched

Final version of Prospect digital platform launched

The final version of the Prospect digital platform has been unveiled for the Results Based Financing Program under the Electricity Access Scale Up Project. This was during a three-day training and evaluation workshop on Prospect for Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) at Silver Springs Hotel, Kampala.

To enable transparency and quick verification of sales and connections, the World Bank supported UECCC to partner with A2EI to develop Prospect digital platform. The platform will facilitate real time reporting of ESCOs sales, digital submission of claims, processing, verification and payments by UECCC to ESCOs.

In his opening remarks, UECCC Managing Director, Roy Nyamutale Baguma congratulated the participants on their accreditation and clearance to participate in the Results Based Financing program as implementation now takes shape. He further stated that, “Grant agreements have been cleared by the Solicitor General which means that ESCOs will sign off in October, and sales of eligible products will begin in November 2024”.

He further added that this price subsidy program will increase access to energy at household level and enterprises nationwide including refugee settlements and Refugee Host Districts.

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