UECCC seeks to recruit qualified and competent individuals through the Open National Market approach.
Uganda Energy Credit Capitalisation Company (UECCC) is a Government of Uganda Company in place to facilitate investments in Uganda’s Renewable Energy Sector. The UECCC’s main objective is to provide financial, technical and other support for renewable energy development in Uganda with a particular focus on enabling private sector participation.
The Government of Uganda (GoU) has received funding from the World Bank for the implementation of the Electricity Access Scale-up Project (EASP) to be implemented over a period of five (5) years. EASP will support GoU’sefforts to increase access to electricity for households, refugee and host communities, industrial parks, commercial enterprises and public institutions. This is intended to spur socio-economic transformation, in line with Uganda’s Vision 2040, the National Development Plan (NDP) III, the 2018 –2027 Electricity Connection Policy (ECP) adopted in January 2018 and to meet the Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7) of achieving universal energy access by 2030.
The EASP activities will build on earlier Government initiatives in the energy sector, to support the expansion and strengthening of the electricity distribution network, scale-up service connections within the network, and increase access to off-grid electricity in refugee settlements and their host communities (outside the existing electricity distribution network), and to scale up clean cooking services and technologies. The EASP will be implemented by two main entities, namely the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) and the Uganda Energy Credit CapitalisationCompany (UECCC) through Project Implementation Units (PIUs).
The two Implementing Agencies will collaborate closely with the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES), Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of Water and environment (MoWE), Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Agriculture, and other relevant sector stakeholders to implement the various project activities.
UECCC seeks to recruit qualified and competent individuals through the Open National Market approach to fill the following positions to implement the EASP:
To see the detailed terms of reference for each job position, please click on the position title in the table below.
Position | No of Vacancies | Code |
Project Manager | 1 | UECCC 001 |
Risk Manager | 1 | UECCC 002 |
Program Manager –Results Based Financing and Clean Cooking | 1 | UECCC 003 |
Program Manager –Productive Uses and Electrical Appliances and Internal Wiring | 1 | UECCC 004 |
Program Manager –Solar Electrification of Public Institutions | 1 | UECCC 005 |
Program Manager –Solar Facility | 1 | UECCC 006 |
Project Accountant | 1 | UECCC 007 |
Refugee Program Coordinator | 1 | UECCC 008 |
Marketing Specialist | 1 | UECCC 009 |
Environment, Health and Safety Specialist | 1 | UECCC 010 |
Social Safeguards Specialist | 1 | UECCC 011 |
Credit Analyst | 1 | UECCC 012 |
Senior Procurement Specialist | 1 | UECCC 013 |
Technical Officer –Results Based Financing and Clean Cooking | 1 | UECCC 014 |
Grants Officer | 1 | UECCC 015 |
How to apply
- If your qualifications and experience match the requirements for any of these roles, please complete and submit your application via this link UECCC EASP Project Staff Recruitment Application Form.
- ll applications must be submitted to KPMG via the online application form at the link above.
- Closing date for receipt of applications will be September 8, 2022.
- Each individual may only apply for a maximum of two (2) positions.
- Any candidate who tries to influence the recruitment process shall be immediately disqualified.All applications will be selected on merit and only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews. For any questions regarding the application process please contact the Executive Selection Division, KPMG on +256 312 170080 or +256 312 170081.
My name is Kibumba Hatim, I hold a Uganda Community polytechnics certificate in electrical installation 0773981639
notify me of upcomming jobs
I am willing to work any conditions.