Parliament has approved a request for government to borrow up to US$331.5 million, from the International Development Association of the World Bank Gr...
UECCC in partnership with Equity Bank Uganda have launched a new product; Equi Green Loan Product. The launch coincided with the opening of a new bran...
UECCC Board of Directors and Management team held the 45th Board Meeting on 6th May 2022 in Hoima district. They were also able to undertake a site vi...
The Uganda Energy Credit Capitalisation Company (UECCC) is a Government of Uganda Institution that was established to facilitate investments in Uganda...
Pre-Qualification of Bidders for Design, Manufacture, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Electromechanical Equipment of Nine...
UECCC has partnered with Centenary Bank to roll out a Power Connection Loan facility with the aim of facilitating affordability of the upfront costs a...
The Government of Uganda, with funding support from the World Bank, is implementing the Energy for Rural Transformation Project, Phase III (ERT III). ...
UECCC is currently designing a Working Capital Facility for Solar Companies that sell Solar systems on a Pay As You Go, Pay Plan or Cash basis. The fa...